Friday, October 24, 2008


The Give-away winner drawing was held and the Hubby pulled....
Z's Mom out of the hat! Let me tell you it wasn't easy getting her out of that hat! okay..sorry!
I want to thank everyone for playing and lucky lady I need your address again...because I shredded it from the last time you won! Don't forget the give-away for Halloween...The DVD of Mel Brook's Young Frankenstein...go here if you haven't entered!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

All I Got was This Stupid T-Shirt...

Actually, I didn't even get that...I got left behind!

Derek Maul's Blogspot has some beautiful pictures of New England...He also has a very good book out...just in time for Christmas!
Diane from Diane's Addled Ramblings just got back from London, England and there are some beautiful pictures proving it! Check out her blog!... and last but not least...
Elizabeth from Thoughts from an Evil Overlord was a featured blogger for Blog Around the World and she gave us a tour of her home state of Massachusetts! It was spectacular!
Visit them and tell them all to invite Ronda and The Hubby next time!!! Leave a comment here and on the featured blogger's comment post and I will enter you in a drawing for the book Journeys of a Lifetime by National Geographic! Winner announced October 24th...when I wake up!

Friday, October 3, 2008


We went to Cozumel last July and in December just before Christmas on a Cruise. It is a perfect time for us to get away as it is a long weekend since we are small business owners it is difficult for us to be away for longer periods. We love Royal Caribbean and they go right out of Tampa so that is very convenient for us. We are doing smaller getaways this year as the economy has cut our wings a bit!

I was having my hair colored last Friday and Theresa told me that if you find a cruise you are interested in going to...if you show up at the port the day of departure...ready to go, meaning packed and pass port in can save as much as 50%. Has anyone heard of this? Have you tried it?
I am going to call and see if I can get some more information about this and try it! I think I will plan two to go on the cruise and then the other to stay in the port city in case I can't get on the ship!! Either way...our vacation will be exciting!

About Me

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Just a lady looking for a ray of sunshine!